Friday 14 October 2011

Fresh homemade Bolognaise sauce

1 dessert spoon of Vegetable oil
1 Garlic clove - crushed
1 onion - finely chopped
500g of mincemeat
1 tbsp tomato paste ( add more to taste )
1 tin of chopped tomatos ( 400g )
250 ml beef stock
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp dried Italian seasoning

Heat oil in pan and brown onion, garlic and mincemeat.
Stir in Paste, stock, chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and herbs.
Cover and simmer for 40 mins, stirring occasionally.

Serve over pasta of your choice.
Sprinkle of fresh Basil on top.
Enjoy x
Ok, so I'm having good days and bad days! It's really hard when your set in a certain habit! I'm trying to keep to low fat products, but then fancy a mini mars bar!! Was at the gym last night doing Zumba and my brother in laws glance came up to me and said have I lost weight!! I danced like a gooden after that!! Haha!
I'm not going to measure myself till the end of the month. I really do t feel like I've lost anything yet, so don't want to be disappointed! Thinking I may do it around the 29-30th because my parentsfly back then and I can see how much I've actually put on!! Haha
I seriously want to see some more loss on my tummy and hips and thighs! I'm so impatient! I'm going to put a recipe for my bolagnaise sauce on here, love cooking things from scratch, you know what's in there. I'm out for a Chinese to offhand a friends birthday, so am being really good today. Drinking plenty of water. Been on the loo all day!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Oh my goodness!!! How many squats have I just done in the space of one hour!! My bum and legs were still hurting from Monday's body pump class! Well, I'm always glad I've done it after, but that class is a killer, so I'm defo going back! If it hurts, it's working! Means my butt and thighs should start getting smaller soon!! Today, I'm doing ok with eating so far. I've had my acai berry juice. Then an apple before my workout, a tuna sarnie for lunch, no butter. Then 5 crackers and jam to follow. I'm trying to eat a low fat diet, need to decrease some of this body fat! Gabe (my son) wants to make cinnamon buns now!!! Rubbish!! I love them!! Be strong... Be strong!!!! :)

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Ok, so parents are over from Canada, andits all gone to pot!! Today I have just pigged out on chocolate!!! Where's my willpower?? Oh yeah, ate that too!! My goodness, I have no self control! I've still been going to the gym, believe me, my butt cheeks would testify to that!!! I upped the weight on the bar in Body pump, and now my bum won't let me sit down, run up stairs or clench!! Haha tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow me and willpower will meet, beco
E driends, do lunch ( a healthy lunch), and not leave each others side! Don't want all my hard work at the gym being covered in flab!!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Sunday 2 October

So after a long, lazy, food filled weekend! The serious exercise begins tomorrow! Seriously, it does!! I had a subway club on Friday, and decided to make it a meal deal! Well Grant as, so I did!! Haha. Well, I got a packet of crisps, I'm not really a crisp person but these took my fancy! For the life of me can't remember what they were, but will look tomorrow and let you know! They were yummy and low in calories! Oooo I could eat them now! Ok, healthy brain on, I am not going to deny myself treats, so have decided to one little treat a day! Might mix it up a little!! Choccie, those crisps, a pain au chocolat!! I daren't write what I've eaten yesterday and today, suffice to say, it was Edens Party yesterday and today was so hot..... Actually I've hardly eaten today!! It's been too hot! Had BBQ chicken and roast potatos with coleslaw and salad for dinner in the garden!! Love the sun!!
Ok, I have 2 hours of zumba and an hour of body combat booked for tomorrow, I hope I can do all three hours! I'll take a pic at the end when I'm gasping for breath on the floor and crawling out of the gym!!! :)
Till tomorrow! X