Thursday 29 September 2011

Thursday 29th Sept

Ok, so today has been ok, not brilliant, just ok. I'm just going to write down my food intake, and get it out there. Not proud of myself, but hey, i'll get there, I'm going shopping tomorrow, so will look through some reciepes designed to strip that fat right off my bones!!!

So the fuel of today was -
7:15am - Bowl of Shreddies
9:30am - 6 crackers and jam
11:30am - 7 crackers and jam
12:45pm - 2 Egg mayo sandwiches
2:20pm - chocolate crunch bar with Eden (my eldest daughter)
5:15pm - Bowl of Minestrone soup
8:35 - 4 Mini croissants and a Hot Chocolate

That's it, oh and I drank a litre of water too, which is half of what I should be drinking, but have spent a lot of time on the toilet today. It's a wonder I have been able to do any housework!!! It's actually really wired looking back at it, and seeing where my weak times are! I really recommend writing a day down, and revising it. Tomorrow, I will try to be prepared for those times!! Ahh rubbish Grant (my husband) has taken a day off work, which means lunch out!! Must be strong!! Knowing I have to report back, will help.
The only exercise I did today was walking the school run 4 times. I'm quite a brisk walker, but the gym would have been better!! I was lazy, because my gym partner is out of town!!!

Will add some reciepes tomorrow if i find any that look any where near appetizing and are healthy too!! Do those meals really exist??
I think those TV shows lie, when the host says "Mmmm, tastes amazing and healthy too"
My mission if i choose to accept it is to find that meal!! If McDonalds doesn't take my fancy first!!
Till tomorrow!! :)

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Well here goes!
I am going to do this... I will, I will, I will!!!!
I thought I start straight away, as I want to keep it real!! :). To be honest, I've had one if those days that my stomach tells me I'm hungry, but my head says " drink water, you're thirsty!" I listened to my stomach all day! I started off with such good intentions too! Well, I was booked into the gym, and I decided to clear out some cupboards at home instead. Why is that? I believe the answer lays in my being in a lazy mood! I looked back now and realise instead if removing some of this extra skin around my tummy, I've added too it, and it doesn't help that crunch bars are on offer at 73p in Tescos, which is a stones throw from my house! Wish I could throw the stones I see on my scales at tescos!!
Ok, so the data! Scary! Be kind when you see me next!
Right thigh - 24 in
Left left - 23 1/2 in
Hips - 39 1/2 in
Waist - 36 1/2 in
Bust - 38 in
Woah!!! That's kinda depressing!! Rights let's get to work!!!


Welcome to my blog! I have started this to chart my weight loss in black and white, and also to help anyone else who may be out there and need a quick shove in the right direction!
A quick background on me ;

I'm a 34 year old Mum of 6. Their ages range from 4 - 14. I have no health problems, and have been to the gym on and off for years. I am quite active, but do like to relax, and maybe munch on some goodies. A balanced diet to me is eating chocolate off some scales!!! I hate being on the gym floor, and am usually found in a class, usually zumba, where the aim is fun!! I have a busy life, printing a taxi sign for my car as we speak! :) I love fresh food, and will often cook from scratch.

My aim for this blog is to document daily my weight, my diet, my exercise, my troubles, my successes, and any tips I come across! I hope I can be of some use, and inspire a generation of Mummas to get up and have fun while losing weight!!

Feel free to comment and leave any tips you have!

Keely X